+880 1715 005706, +880 1975 005706, +880 1615 005706, +880 1842 005706, +88 09 611144067, +88 09 696305706

Hydroxyethyl cellulose-30000 Vis

Hydroxyethyl cellulose  HEC

Specification: Molecular formula: [C6H7O2 (OCH2CH2OH) x (OH) 3-x] n

Description: tasteless, odorless, non-toxic white or light yellow powder particles flow easily; non-ionic water-soluble polymer

Product properties: a thickening, binding, emulsification, dispersion, stability, and to maintain moisture to form a film and provide protective colloid effect, soluble in cold water and hot water, can provide a wider range of solution viscosity; is a high concentration of electrolyte solution thickener; water capacity than twice as methyl cellulose, has a good flow of regulatory.

Characteristics of use: 1, Polymerization 2, latex paint, polymer 3, oil drilling 4, 5, daily

 Chemical, construction:

Item Data
Appearance Light yellow or white, odorless, tasteless powder solids
Type of molar substitution 180 type 250type 300type
Molar substitution 1.5~2.1 2.2~2.8 2.9~3.2
Viscosity See Viscosity Specifications
Moisture,%  max 5
Ash content,% max 5(Quality product) 10(Qualified)
PH(1%,solution) 6~8.5

Viscosity Specifications:

Nominal viscosity Viscosity range(5%),mpa.s Viscosity range(1%),mpa.s Viscosity range(2%),mpa.s
15 80~400 /
300 / / 50~400
2,000 / / 1500~2500
6,000 / / 4500~6500
10,000 / 6500~12000
15,000 / 1000~1400 12000~20000
30,000 / 1500~2200 26000~38000
50,000 / 2400~2600 45000~60000
70,000 / 2600~3000 60000~80000
100,000 / 3000~3500 80000~110000
min 100,000 / min 3500 min 110000