+880 1715 005706, +880 1975 005706, +880 1615 005706, +880 1842 005706, +88 09 611144067, +88 09 696305706

Hydroxyethyl cellulose 100000 vis

Hydroxyethyl cellulose  HER100000


Molecular formula: [C6H7O2 (OCH2CH2OH) x (OH) 3-x] n

Description: tasteless, odorless, non-toxic white or light yellow powder particles flow easily; non-ionic water-soluble polymer

Product properties: a thickening, binding, emulsification, dispersion, stability, and to maintain moisture to form a film and provide protective colloid effect, soluble in cold water and hot water, can provide a wider range of solution viscosity; is a high concentration of electrolyte solution thickener; water capacity than twice as methyl cellulose, has a good flow of regulatory.

Characteristics of use:

1, Polymerization 2, latex paint, polymer 3, oil drilling 4, 5, daily chemical, construction

Item Data
Appearance Light yellow or white, odorless, tasteless powder solids
Type of molar substitution 180 type 250type 300type
Molar substitution 1.5~2.1 2.2~2.8 2.9~3.2
Viscosity See Viscosity Specifications
Moisture,%  max 5
Ash content,% max 5(Quality product) 10(Qualified)
PH(1%,solution) 6~8.5